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Surname Lists We have grouped related surnames into geographical areas, and into primary (and secondary) surnames. A primary surname is directly related to a Willington, and a secondary surname is related to a primary surname. More recent surnames refer to living relatives (email us for details). The following five descendant trees cover most surnames: Stephen01tree.PDF Stephen04tree.PDF MaryAnn04tree.PDF Thomas05tree.PDF Sophia05tree.PDF Nelson05tree.PDF JohnRussell06tree.PDF (Mouse click the surname to view the Adobe Acrobat PDF file) Shirehampton / Bristol (GLS): - see Stephen01tree.pdf and JohnRussell06.pdf Andrews, Beavan, Cambridge, Joynour, Parker, Parsley, Russell, Stone, Viner, Wilding Powell (Carnell, Curry, Garner, Newcombe, Pritchard, Quance, Tuppen) Australia: Ball (Hemmens, Powell) - also see Smith.pdf Barford - see Thomas05tree.pdf Beaven (Adams, Ainsbury, Ashton, Beavon, Beachley, Cox, Jefferies, Kreugur, Prichard, Sutton) - also see Smith.pdf Blackman - see Smith.pdf Bland - see Thomas05tree.pdf Courtis - see Stephen04tree.pdf Darling (Fox, Sanderson) - also see Thomas05tree.pdf Dwyer - see Thomas05tree.pdf Fisher - see Stephen04tree.pdf Flett - see Thomas05tree.pdf Foster - see Sainsbury.pdf Frampton (Bown, Castle, Creese, Hokin, Newman, Rees, Reid, Warmecke, Warren) - also see Thomas05tree.pdf Gerrett (Allan, Bridges, Bulluss, Campbell, Chamberlin, Fleming, Harkness, Hatton, Holt, Jansen, Lacy, Laverick, Ludbrook, Lugg, McIvor, Peacock, Penhall, Reid, Slade, Smith, Speechley, Wilson) - also see Thomas05tree.pdf Harris - see Thomas05tree.pdf Kennedy - see Thomas05tree.pdf Lumsden - see Nelson05tree.pdf Marley (Cook, Ebsary, Esbury, Finlay, Fuggle, Grant, Hill, Leeke, Millet, Parsons, Roach, Woolstencroft) - also see Stephen04tree.pdf McIntosh - see Sophia05tree.pdf Missen - see Smith.pdf and Stephen04tree.pdf Nunn - see Nelson05tree.pdf Rockcliff - see Thomas05tree.pdf Sainsbury (Albaugh, Andrews, Birrell, Campbell, Cox, Evans, Foster, Gileno, Harris, Hill, Hogg, Hulse, McIntyre, Neill, OBrien, Pickersgill, Presswell, Reading, Smith, Starkey, Wesson) - also see Stephen04tree.pdf Slaney (Donnelly) - also see Stephen04tree.pdf Smith (Clift, Cock, Gill, Gore, Gugger, Hammerley, Livermore, May, Morrow, Pearce, Petty, Pitty, Pottinger, Pryor, Snyder) Symons - see Smith.pdf Tulloch - see Smith.pdf White - see Stephen04tree.pdf Williams - see Nelson05tree.pdf More recent surnames: Fogerty, Robbins Canada: Schuldt (Lemp, Mackinnon, Turner) |